«Vetten Äpärät» come from Finland and are deeply rooted in Scandinavian folk music, at least that's the first impression. The debut single "Sydäntalven Viha" has been available since the end of March and I know bands that would have made two or three songs out of it, because the song is almost 8 minutes long. Again and again the music changes from calmer phases to really aggressive parts with lots of drums and heavy vocals. The whole thing is spiced up with orchestral set pieces and at the end you are really captivated by the song.

The single should whet your appetite for the forthcoming album, and Vetten Äpärät has done everything right. The song is varied and yet a coherent and melodic unit. There is nothing wrong with the craftsmanship and a lot comes across from the emotions. If you were to speak Finnish now, the text would certainly be interesting. The Home and judging by the biography, they dig deep into the mythology box. If you are into folk metal, you should get the single as an appetizer for the album.

Sydäntalven Viha
Sydäntalven Viha

Kauan etsin tuonen partä
Kauan löytämät määränpäätä
Suruni jäätynyt maailman metsiin
Korven ikiroudassa

Kauan etsin tuonen partä
Kauan löytämät määränpäätä
Suruni jäätynyt maailman metsiin
Tuonelan ikiroudassa 2x

Hurmet on maassa lumisessa penkassa
Kuutamo Valaisee nuo tienoot ja pellot
Elämä on loukussa cinemas alla
Moni tekee kuolemaa alla kuusiston

Tunne sinä kurja saasta elämän kävelvän Tuonelaansa
Rautani pyyhin nahkoihisi ja käyvan otan taltehini
Juoskaa kowaa much kun voitte, talven vihaa pakoon hoitte
Katkera on loppu Sydäntalven häpäisijen!

Tervetuloa Pohjolaan, Kaamoksen Valtakuntaan!

«Tuoni sulle korjahasi,
Manalainen matkoihisi!
Vilu on olla viltin alla,
Kolkko korjassa eleä.
Salot vastahan saneli,
Kankahat nuo kajahteli,
kohennihin kuolemahan,
Heitin katoamahan!”
Kauan etsin tuonen partä
Kauan löytämättä määränpäätä
Suruni on jäätynyt maailman metsiin
Korven ikiroudassa

Kauan etsin tuonen partä
Kauan löytämättä määränpäätä
Suruni on jäätynyt maailman metsiin
Tuonelan ikiroudassa

Huumassa kauheessa rivouksia huutemassa
Vähäiset ne parkuvat sormiensa paletues
Viimassa huutavat henget nuo Pohjolan tuulten
Nauraen sotajoukon kuolemalle

Houkat kuolevaiset etsivat kultaa
Vaan löytävät Pohjolasta routaista multaa
Kadotkaa yes paetkaa te ikiajoiksi
Tai sielunne kirottu on kalman madoiksi

Tervetuloa Pohjolaan, Kaamoksen Valtakuntaan!

«Tuoni sulle korjahasi,
Manalainen matkoihisi!
Oisin kuollut, kurja raukka,
Oisin katkennut, catala,
Siihen surmansa sukesi,
Kuolemansa kohta eli,
Löyti turvan Tuonelassa,
Armon aaltojen seassa!”

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"Dravens Tales from the Crypt" has been enchanting for over 15 years with a tasteless mixture of humor, serious journalism - for current events and unbalanced reporting in the press politics - and zombies, garnished with lots of art, entertainment and punk rock. Draven has turned his hobby into a popular brand that cannot be classified.

My blog was never designed to spread news, let alone get political, but with current affairs I just can't help but capture information here that is otherwise censored on all other channels. I am aware that the design page may not seem "serious" to many in this regard, but I will not change this to please the "mainstream". Anyone who is open to non-state-compliant information sees the content and not the packaging. I've tried enough to provide people with information over the last 2 years, but quickly noticed that it never matters how it's "packaged", but what the other person's attitude towards it is. I don't want to put honey on anyone's mouth to meet expectations in any way, so I'll keep this design because hopefully at some point I'll be able to stop making these political statements, because it's not my goal to go on like this forever ;) I leave it up to everyone how they deal with it. However, you are welcome to simply copy and distribute the content, my blog has always been under the WTFPL license.

It's hard for me to describe what I'm actually doing here, DravensTales has become a culture blog, music blog, shock blog, tech blog, horror blog, fun blog, a blog about found items on the internet, internet bizarre, trash blog, art blog, water heater, zeitgeist blog over the years , Scrap blog and grab bag blog called. Everything that is right ... - and yet not. The main focus of the blog is contemporary art, in the broadest sense of the word.

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