Thousands of Brazilians are fighting for freedom of expression
Thousands of Brazilians are fighting for freedom of expression

Four hours before the freedom rally begins, Copacabana is already completely overcrowded, as the drone footage from SpaceLiberdade shows. Thousands of Brazilians are fighting for freedom of expression. They will not allow Brazil to become a far-left right-wing dictatorship!

Thousands of Brazilians are fighting for freedom of expression
I died. And it was wonderful.
I died. And it was wonderful.

I died. And it was wonderful. It was terrific. I was completely there, I was totally there, present, conscious, I was fully involved, and I watched, my two physical eyes and my third eye watched as my avatar emerged from the physical body, it was like in slow motion , very slowly,

I died. And it was wonderful.
Climate change and the floods in Dubai
Climate change and the floods in Dubai

After the biblical floods in Dubai, crisis advocates inevitably increased the hysteria surrounding anthropogenic climate change. For once I agree with them. This incredible, adverse weather is actually man-made. However, it is not about climate change, just the change in the weather. And it's not because of the common people who drive

Climate change and the floods in Dubai
Helmut Schmidt warned against the Greens
Helmut Schmidt warned against the Greens

Small but fine compilation. If someone had told me in the 80s that in 2020 you had to listen to Radio Moscow to get a rough idea of ​​what was happening in the world and at home, I would have thought they were crazy...

Helmut Schmidt warned against the Greens
Is the WHO pandemic treaty a diversionary tactic?
Is the WHO pandemic treaty a diversionary tactic?

The World Health Organization's (WHO) infamous pandemic treaty could be a diversionary tactic, says James Roguski. In his Substack, Roguski warns that the world has less than two months to "crush the WHO," a pun on the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic," when we were told that it would only take “two” weeks,

Is the WHO pandemic treaty a diversionary tactic?
Blackrock – curse or blessing?
Blackrock – curse or blessing?

BlackRock & Co have a very negative image in the mainstream and alternative media alike - there are numerous myths and conspiracy theories surrounding it. In his latest video, Horst Lüning broke down exactly what BlackRock does and what makes them so successful and why they even have an extremely positive impact. The business model

Blackrock – curse or blessing?
Weather Manipulation: Lecture by Dr. Philipp Zeller about geoengineering and HAARP
Weather Manipulation: Lecture by Dr. Philipp Zeller about geoengineering and HAARP

An overview of ongoing research by Philipp Zeller, Dr. Sc. Nat., Dipl. Physicist ETH. In his lecture he addresses the following questions: Blessing or danger? Why is the weather manipulated? What methods are there? How do I recognize the processes? What is certain, what is speculation? What can we do? A lecture from April 2022

Weather Manipulation: Lecture by Dr. Philipp Zeller about geoengineering and HAARP
Shrinkflation: This is how manufacturers hide more expensive prices
Shrinkflation: This is how manufacturers hide more expensive prices

Some price increases are so subtle that consumers barely notice them. The magic word: shrinkflation. Specifically, this means less content for the same price! Diapers, drinks, cheese – examples abound. “Kassen Rush” shows further methods of how brand manufacturers and major distributors covertly increase prices and make a killing in the process. Nowhere is there more lying and cheating like this

Shrinkflation: This is how manufacturers hide more expensive prices
Separate or integrate the dark sides?
Separate or integrate the dark sides?

Light and shadow are somehow one - that's how a psychologist sees it and for those who don't understand it, he also explains why... by the way, Rüdiger Dahlke found this out almost 15 years ago in his book "The Shadow Principle" and before him CG Jung knew...

Separate or integrate the dark sides?
Nahum Goldmann: The plan to destroy Europe
Nahum Goldmann: The plan to destroy Europe

In 1915, in the middle of the First World War, Nahum Goldmann, the later president of the World Zionist Congress, revealed with incredible candor a program for the destruction of Europe. It is a program of total destruction, the total dissolution of all traditions, customs, ties and barriers. The purpose: Complete anarchy and instability should arise everywhere so that a “new pyramidal, hierarchical system” can then emerge unhindered.

Nahum Goldmann: The plan to destroy Europe
Preach water and drink wine
Preach water and drink wine

vaccinations for freedom, weapons for peace, censorship for democracy – the world is upside down. A great group with Joana Cotar, Michael Meyen, Kay Ray and Thomas Stimmel, that is a culture of conversation that you no longer find in the mainstream media. A pleasure every minute...

Preach water and drink wine
Khalil Gibran: The Prophet
Khalil Gibran: The Prophet

The Prophet, Gibran's best-known work, was published in 1923 and has since sold millions of copies. The author worked on the book for 25 years. The book is still popular today and continues to be published in many languages. Based on his personal experiences, Gibran tries to reconcile oriental melancholy and European world views with a timeless wisdom of life

Khalil Gibran: The Prophet
Our earth is a fixed, flat platform
Our earth is a fixed, flat platform

It houses 3 worlds: Our world that extends to the ice wall, a world that extends to the mountain wall and behind it a 3rd world. These are 3 worlds, 178 of which we know, which are located in our BARION universe under a large cathedral/dome/firmament. No mortal man can tell us what lies behind the great cathedral.

Our earth is a fixed, flat platform
The virus hoax – viruses do not exist in nature
The virus hoax – viruses do not exist in nature

There is a whole hoax consisting of countless scams, studies and fake research about the existence of the non-existent viruses. What cannot be seen and touched cannot be proven and therefore what cannot be seen, touched and proven encourages all kinds of narratives, lies and frauds surrounding every topic.

The virus hoax – viruses do not exist in nature
What really is fascism
What really is fascism

Defend yourself against any – really any – form of fascism!

What really is fascism
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State of exception as normal state

State of exception as normal state

So sieht der aktuelle Plan der Eliten für die kommenden 2 Jahre aus, so wird der Ausnahmezustand zum Normalzustand. Ausser ...
The Australian scam: Anyone who does not participate in the corona measures will be driven into bankruptcy

The Australian scam: Anyone who does not participate in the corona measures will be driven into bankruptcy

Barbesitzer, die sich weigerten, die Impfpflicht zur Eintrittsbedingung zu machen, wurden festgenommen und inhaftiert, ihre Läden geschlossen, die Schlösser an ...
Body checks are not nice, but they make sense

Body checks are not nice, but they make sense

...denn merke, es gibt keine Nazis in der Ukraine... oh wait ...
Why algorithms are called algorithms

Why algorithms are called algorithms

Woher stammt das Wort "Algorithmus"? Das verdanken wir dem persischen Mathematiker Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, der um 780 n. Chr. geboren wurde ...
Drones are now being used in the fight against the virus

Now drones are used in the fight against the virus

Rund um Valencia fliegen jetzt Drohnen die Strände entlang. Die Thermo-Drohnen sind in der Lage Strandbesucher aufzuspüren, deren Körpertemperatur erhöht ...
Solidarity is moral compulsion

Solidarity is moral compulsion

Jetzt müssen wir zwar nicht mehr, aber werden moralisch dazu aufgefordert, aus Solidarität weiterhin Masken zu tragen. Ich sehe immer ...
Tragedy in Ukraine could have been easily avoided

Tragedy in Ukraine could have been easily avoided

Das Leid in der Ukraine hätte vermeiden werden können. Doch Selensky und vorallem Biden wollten das nicht... Business as usual! ...
Farewell to the middle class - The precarious society

Farewell to the middle class - The precarious society

Rund ein Drittel aller Beschäftigten in Europa lebt in Unsicherheit. Obwohl sie Arbeit haben, teilweise sogar mehrere Jobs gleichzeitig, kommen ...
Butscha massacre - emotionalization as a weapon of war

Butscha Massacre – Emotionalisation as a weapon of war

First Mariupol, then dead on the streets of Bucha: exploding adrenaline levels to prevent rational investigation and questioning. A comment from...
Putin on the food shortages in Europe

Putin on the food shortages in Europe

Ein Ausschnitt aus einem Briefing vom 5.April 2022, wo Vladimir Putin über die Lebensmittelknappheit, deren Gründe und Folgen spricht. Putin ...
Swiss Post is also at the forefront of Agenda 2030

Swiss Post is also at the forefront of Agenda 2030

Does anyone still collect stamps these days? Now the Swiss Post is also turning the wheel of audacity after the proponents of the agenda ...
Nazi songs in front of the Reichstag

Nazi songs in front of the Reichstag

Berlin, Reichstag: Diese junge Dame/der Junge (?) singt, "Bald wird es keine Russen mehr geben und dann wird Frieden auf ...
Ukraine: Where Are Hundreds of Millions of Dollars in Aid Funds Going? Billions for German tanks

Ukraine: Where Are Hundreds of Millions of Dollars in Aid Funds Going? Billions for German tanks

Kiew hat 100 Panzerhaubitzen aus Deutschland angefordert - die erste Charge wird schon in Kürze erwartet... in 30 Monaten. Die ...
The fairy tale of an alleged "solidarity with everyone who is not allowed to be vaccinated"

Ukraine: The «value west» runs hate tirades based on unverified assumptions, assumptions and propaganda

Es ist schon sehr seltsam: Die USA verfolgt per Satelliten einzelne Fahrzeuge, sogar Menschen, aber die Kriegsverbrecher in Butscha will ...
How Ukrainian fascists have mistreated their fellow citizens for the last 8 years

How Ukrainian fascists have mistreated their fellow citizens for the last 8 years

Und unsere "Qualitätsmedien" berichten heute nur noch davon, wie böse Russland ist, aber von den teilweise faschistischen in der EU ...
I'm fed up with the EU's feigned sympathy for Ukraine

I'm fed up with the EU's feigned sympathy for Ukraine

Wir brauchen ein bißchen mehr irisches Temperament! Denn die Aussage im Titel stammt von der linken irischen Politikerin und Europaabgeordnete ...
Ukraine: Democracy with Obstacles (ARTE Documentary I 2012)

Ukraine: Democracy with Obstacles (ARTE Documentary I 2012)

Der Dokumentarfilm bilanziert die Geschichte der Ukraine und ihres Volks, das sich, beseelt von unbändigem Willen nach Unabhängigkeit, im Lauf ...
Putin interview on the Georgia conflict (29.08.2008/XNUMX/XNUMX)

Putin interview on the Georgia conflict (29.08.2008/XNUMX/XNUMX)

Putin-Interview vom 29.08.2008 zum Georgien Konflikt in vollständiger Länge. Im Anschluss an das Putin-Interview werden zwei Beiträge aus Fernsehkritik TV ...
Are the culprits of the massacre at Kramatorsk railway station in Ukraine the Ukrainian army itself?

Are the culprits of the massacre at Kramatorsk railway station in Ukraine the Ukrainian army itself?

Hier eine Info, die ich ausdrücklich nicht verifizieren kann. Dennoch teile ich sie, weil Schwarmintelligenz das oft schafft. vor allem ...
Anne Spiegel still has to tie it off somehow & summer vacation 2021

Anne Spiegel still has to tie it off somehow & summer vacation 2021

horizont hält der Grünen Spiegel den Spiegel vor, denn nicht an guten Zeiten erkennst du das Wahre Gesicht eines Menschen, ...
Analysis of solids in Saharan dust

Analysis of solids in Saharan dust

Viele der gefunden Feststoffe überschreiten massiv Grenzwerte, welche z.B. für Trinkwasser festgelegt wurden. Da sich diese Stoffe hier in der ...
Zelensky's Nazi from the Azov battalion

Zelensky's Nazi from the Azov battalion

Der Nazi, der von Selenski als Verteidiger von Mariupol vorgestellt wird, stellt sich dem griechischen Parlament auf russisch als Michail ...
Ukraine: Torture and mass executions of captured Russian soldiers

Ukraine: Torture and mass executions of captured Russian soldiers

Ein auf der Seite der Ukraine kämpfender dänischer Söldner hat Massenhinrichtungen gefangener russischer Soldaten bestätigt. "Ich habe zuvor von einem ...
Playing chess takes a lot of learning, Joe

Playing chess takes a lot of learning, Joe

Papa Biden sagte doch vor ein paar Tagen noch, der Dollar sei jetzt 200 Rubel wert. Und jetzt sind es ...
WHO: Will the global pandemic treaty bring us a permanent state of emergency?

WHO: Will the global pandemic treaty bring us a permanent state of emergency?

Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) arbeitet mit der EU und nationalen Regierungen weltweit an einem globalen Pandemievertrag. Bei den wenigen, die von ...
Trust Amazon - Lisa Fitz

Trust Amazon - Lisa Fitz

In einem neuen Stück stellt Lisa Fitz (ironisch) die Frage: Auf wen ist Verlass? Auf die Männer nicht, auf die ...
Sick after corona vaccination (hr-fernsehen I 18.03.2022)

Sick after corona vaccination (hr-fernsehen I 18.03.2022)

Bei rund 149 Millionen Impfungen ist es laut Paul-Ehrlich-Institut bis jetzt bei 0,02 Prozent zu Impfschäden gekommen. Zu berücksichtigen ist, ...
Ukraine - Battle for Donetsk (ARTE I documentary I shooting 2014/2015, broadcast 2017)

Ukraine – Battle for Donetsk (ARTE I documentary I shoot 2014/2015, broadcast 2017)

Der britische Filmemacher Antony Butts reist nach dem Euromaidan und der Annexion der Krim in die industriell und russisch geprägte ...
Szekeres: "I'm surprised that even among doctors there are vaccine-skeptical colleagues" (21.03.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX)

Szekeres: "I'm surprised that even among doctors there are vaccine-skeptical colleagues" (21.03.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX)

Die coronamaßnahmenkritische Partei MFG, die vom ORF gerne zu Unrecht als "Corona-Leugner-Partei" diffamiert wird, hat den Einzug in die Wiener ...

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